About the Parish Council

Oulton Parish Council is an apolitical elected body that represents the parishioners of Oulton.
The parish is located to the northwest of Lowestoft in the County of Suffolk within the UK Parliamentary Constituency of Waveney. East Suffolk Council is the local administrative body.
The parish is also represented at district and county level by elected councillors of both East Suffolk Council and Suffolk County Council.
The Parish Council consists of 10 councillors who are elected on a four year term of office basis to represent the two wards of Oulton East and Oulton West. 
Parish Councillors
OE = Oulton East Ward, OW = Oulton West Ward
Councillor Jenny Hinton (OW)
01502 516227
Email: jennyhinton.opcsuffolk@gmail.com
Responsibilities:- Church Liaison, Oulton Poors Trust, Lowestoft Community Partnership Board, Oulton Community Centre Liaison, Woods Meadow Country Park Liaison, Internal Control
I am no stranger to serving the Oulton community, either in my previous role as District Councillor for 16 years, or currently as the Chairman of Oulton Parish Council. During those years I served on various committees, as Chairman of Contract services, Vice Chair of Policy & Recourses, Vice Chair of Planning.
I was a Trustee of the Women’s refuge (dealing with domestic violence), and was the Chairman of Waveney's Community Health Council. I also served as a LEA Governor for our local primary school and Chaired the Pru unit at Kirkley also serving on the LEA body for out of catchment appeals for Suffolk CC.
With our team of Parish Councillors we hope to serve the community, listen to the community and consult with the community on any issues that affect either the environment, or our everyday working lives. I look forward to working with you all.
Vice Chair
Councillor John Sarbutt (OW)
01502 732348
Email: johnsarbutt.opcsuffolk@gmail.com
Responsibilities:- Planning Working Group, Suffolk Wildlife Trust, Notice Boards
Councillor Robin Hinton (OW)
01502 516227
Email: robinhinton.opcsuffolk@gmail.com
Responsibilities:- Grant Applications, Mobbs Way Business Park, Personnel Committee, Noticeboards, Telephone box/fly-tipping/footpaths/verges/foliage/ditches, Notice Boards, Risk Management.
Councillor Tony Knights (OW)
01502 390771
Email: tonyknights.opcsuffolk@gmail.com
Responsibilities:- Speed Indicator Devices, Newsletter
Councillor Peter Bryant (OW)
01502 562981
Email: peterbryant.opcsuffolk@gmail.com
Responsibilities:- Defibrillator, (Camps Heath) Telephone box/fly-tipping/footpaths/verges/foliage/ditches, Newsletter, Personnel Committee, Lowestoft Community Partnership
Councillor Hilary Sarbutt (OE)
01502 732348
Email: hilarysarbutt.opcsuffolk@gmail.com
Responsibilities:- CIL Funding
Councillor Jo-Anne Illingsworth (OW)
Email: joanneillingsworth.opcsuffolk@gmail.com
Responsibilities:- Personnel Committee, SWT, Finance, Internal Control
Councillors' Register of Interests
Register of interests (link to external website)

A councillor is a member of the council and is normally elected for a term of four years. People of any political or religious persuasion are eligible to become a councillor, although their personal views should not extend into their parish council work. A councillor is an unpaid voluntary role.
They are elected to represent the interests of the local community as a whole and promote a harmonious local environment. The number of elected councillors depends on the size of the area. In Oulton we are able to have 10 councillors.
Local councils are the first tier of local government and are the first point of contact for anyone concerned with a community issue. They are democratically elected local authorities.
Councillors must abide by a Code of Conduct; a set or rules on how councillors are expected to behave. They must also declare their interests in the parish, details of which are held on East Suffolk Council's Register.