Neighbourhood Plan

Oulton Neighbourhood Plan
Our Neighbourhood Plan - Final Version March 2023 - click here to view
Copies of the Oulton Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents are also available to view at
Referendum Results Thursday 2nd February 2023
Do you want the Broads Authority and East Suffolk Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan to help them decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?
Votes Accepted: 535
Number cast in favour of 'Yes' 457
Number cast in favour of 'No' 78
Message from the Parish Council Chairperson Jenny Hinton
Oulton Parish Council would like to thank all those residents who turned out to vote in this referendum. It was important to Council that we helped protect our Parish for future generations to enjoy, and enhance our bio-diversity with the 'green corridor' enabling wildlife, flora and fauna to thrive. We reside in a most amazing part of Waveney, it is clear residents wish to protect and preserve our National Parks, wildlife and views across Oulton Marshes.
We would also like to thank all Parishioners who enabled us to compile this plan from leafleteer's, those that attended our monthly meetings, those of you who had special interests and contributed to the compilation of the plan. Collective Community Planning, through their knowledge steered us through this process and our thanks with a high recommendation for any Parish considering starting out down this road goes to them.
How we got here:
Notice of Referendum on The Neighbourhood Plan for Oulton
Thursday 2nd February 2023
Referendum Notice
Notice of Poll
Consultation period: 13th May to 24th June 2022
Oulton Parish Council has submitted their Neighbourhood Plan to East Suffolk Council and the Broads Authority ahead of it being submitted for independent examination. East Suffolk Council is publicising the plan and inviting representations, which will be forwarded to the examiner for consideration alongside the plan. Subject to the plan successfully completing all the relevant regulatory stages, the policies and proposals contained in the plan will be used by East Suffolk Council and the Broads Authority in the determination of planning applications within the Oulton Neighbourhood Area.
Where can the Plan be inspected?
Copies of the Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents are available to view at Physical copies are also available to view at Lowestoft Library, Clapham Rd South, Lowestoft, NR32 1DR and East Suffolk Council Customer Service Centre, Marina Centre, Marina, Lowestoft, NR32 1HH (during opening hours).
Should you have any difficulties in accessing copies of the document you can contact East Suffolk Council on 01394 444557 or email and they will aim to assist you.
How should I submit my representation?
Representations on the plan van be made online at
Alternatively, email or post to East Suffolk Council, Planning Policy and Delivery Team (Neighbourhood Plans), Riverside, 4 Canning Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR33 0EQ.
All representations should be headed ‘Oulton Neighbourhood Plan’ as the subject matter. Where representations relate to a particular paragraph or policy, please ensure that this is also clearly stated. Any representations made may include a request to be notified of East Suffolk Council’s decision whether to accept the Examiners’ recommendation and future progress with the plan.
When must I submit my representation by?
Representations must be received no later than 5pm 24 June 2022. All representations will be made available to view online as soon as possible after the close of the consultation.
In accordance with regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended) and Localism Act 2011.
Oulton Parish Council for the last 17 months have been working with the wider community to develop a neighbourhood plan. This plan will shape our Parish for the next 15 years. We have worked with the community and independent agencies to develop our own planning policies and community action plans. Once our Neighbourhood Plan has been adopted by East Suffolk Council (by way of a referendum with the residents), it will influence planning applications and help shape how our Parish develops whilst retaining our wonderful rural ambiance. Councillors on the Parish regard our area as a unique place to live & work and will help maintain this for future generations.
We are currently consulting on the pre-submission (Regulation 14) draft of our Neighbourhood Plan, inviting your feedback on the draft policies prior to finalising it for submission to East Suffolk Council and the Broads Authority.
We will be having an 'open event' at the Oulton Community Centre on Saturday 16 October 11 am - 5 pm where Councillors of the Parish will be available to go through the workings of this document by way of displays and one to one talks if required. Views assessment document and Heritage assets will be on display. These locations were chosen by you, the community, after consultation and were agreed worth preserving.
Oulton Neighbourhood Plan consultation in line with Regulation 14 runs for a period of 8 weeks from 1 October 2021 to 26 November 2021.
Neighbourhood Plan Policies:-
Pre-submission Draft September 2021
Local Green Spaces Assessment September 2021
Non-Designated Heritage Assets Assessment September 2021
Neighbourhood Plan YouTube Video
All responses to this consultation must be received via the online questionnaire (link is below) or in writing to Oulton Parish Council, prior to the end of the consultation period for them to be considered when finalising the plan. The online questionnaire asks you specifically about the Neighbourhood Plan policies and the extent to which you agree with them, it includes the policies and relevant maps.
Oulton Neighbourhood Plan Survey Link
A copy of the Neighbourhood Plan policy documents will be available in the Lounge at Oulton Community Centre (during normal opening times).
If you would prefer a printed copy please contact Carla Petersen, on 01502 730166 or email who will gladly print a copy and arrange delivery or collection.
Neighbourhood Plan Working Group Meetings
Minutes 7 February 2022 - DRAFT
Brendon Close consultation letter
We were contacted by a resident requesting a picnic table be installed on the Brendan Way play area.
We have just finalised a consultation document for our neighbourhood plan and this was not mentioned, although benches were a popular request. Residents nearby have been consulted.
Brendon Close Consultation Letter
Oulton Neighbourhood Plan Design Guidelines and Codes
AECOM were commissioned to provide design support to Oulton Parish Council. The Oulton Neighbourhood Plan Design Guidelines and Codes report provides advice to address the Parish Council's views and concerns on design related matters that are needed to be addressed in future developments in the area. The main objective of the report is to develop design guidelines and codes for the Neighbourhood Plan, and to inform the design of future planning applications and residential developments in Oulton. In particular, it elaborates on strategic guidelines, as well as specific design codes that were agreed with the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group at the outset of the project.
Oulton Parish Neighbourhood Plan Consultation 2021
The consultation ran for eight weeks from 12/12/20 to 8/2/21 and included a survey with 19 questions. There was a separate business questionnaire which accompanied the survey for business owners in Oulton. A flyer was delivered to every resident and business in the parish and it was advertised on the website, via posters and on social media. The survey was available online and in hardcopy from the working group. Overall there were 52 responses including one business.
Neighbourhood Plan Consultation 2021
Neighbourhood Plan Working Group Terms of Reference
Camps Heath Telephone Box Consultation Letter
Telephone Box Consultation Letter
Consultation Event Woods Meadow Development 21 September 2019
Consultation Event 21 September 2019
Oulton Village Profile
Oulton Village Profile (link to external website)
The Oulton neighbourhood plan was designated in December 2018. Since then a consultation exercise has been carried out and the results analysed.
Oulton neighbourhood area
Consultation period 12 October to 23 November 2018
Status: Approved 07 December 2018
This is the second Oulton Neighbourhood Area designation. Find out about the superseded Oulton Neighbourhood Area designation (2015) . (link to external website)
Oulton Neighbourhood Area Application Form
Determination and Decision Oulton